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38 Hilarious Spanish Jokes with Easy Explanations

11. Gato bilingüe

Un gato caminaba por un tejado maullando:

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– ¡Miau, miau!

En eso se le acerca otro gato:

– ¡Guau, guau!

Entonces el primer gato le cube:

– Oye, ¿por qué ladras si tú eres gato?

Y el otro le contesta:

– ¿Es que uno no puede aprender idiomas?

A cat was strolling throughout a roof meowing:

– Meow meow!

One other cat approaches and says:

–  Woof woof!

Then, the primary cat tells him:

– Hey, why do you bark when you’re a cat?

And the opposite cat solutions:

– So what? We will’t study languages?

Naming your cat with a Spanish title is a superb thought to encourage you to follow the language. Take a look at the preferred Spanish cat names we’ve gathered for you.

12. The iStruggle

Papá, ¿por qué no tengo ni un iPhone, ni iPad, ni iPod? Porque no iDinero.

“Dad, why don’t I’ve an iPhone, iPad, or iPod? As a result of no iMoney.”

The pun performs on Apple’s “i” product naming scheme, humorously including “i” to “cash” to recommend an absence of funding for these units. It additionally performs with the verb “Haber”, on this case “Hay” whose pronunciation is just like the “i” in English.

13. El planeta miércoles 

Una maestra pregunta en clases:

– Pedrito, ¿qué planeta va después de Marte?

– Miércoles. 


A instructor asks at school:

– Pedro, what planet comes after Mars?

– Wednesday.

Pedrito confuses the title of the Mars planet with the Spanish day of the week Martes (Tuesday)

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Bear in mind! The names of the times of the week in Spanish are Lunes, Martes, Miercoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sabado, and Domingo (ranging from Monday).

14. Elegant Elephants

¿Qué hacen los elefantes para ser elegantes? Cambian la F por la G.

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“What do elephants do to be elegant? They modify the F to G.”

This wordplay suggests altering “F” in “elefante” to “G” makes it “elegante” (elegant), a playful linguistic twist.

15. El colmo de un peluquero

– ¿Cuál es el colmo de un peluquero?

– ¡Que le tomen el pelo!

– What’s the final straw for a barber?

– That they are often taken by the hair!

You realize it as “pulling somebody’s leg”, “poking enjoyable”, “pulling the wool over the eyes”, or “kidding somebody.” “Tomar el pelo” is an Idiom, and means somebody is being cheated or mocked by another person, or by you, used to make humorous jokes.

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A “colmo” is often used as a joke about one thing absurd or that reaches its most diploma. A colmo is a scenario or one thing that exceeds the bounds. Have you learnt any colmo to share?

16. The Heavier Chook

¿Pesa más un pájaro de tres kilos o un bebé de tres kilos? El pájaro porque pesa tres kilos y pico.

“Which weighs extra, a three-kilo chicken or a three-kilo child? The chicken, as a result of it weighs three kilos and a beak.”

“Pico” means beak but in addition “a bit extra,” implying the chicken is barely heavier because of its beak.

17. Luces intermitentes

– Pepe, bájate del coche un momento y dime si funciona el intermitente de la derecha.

Pepe se baja, observa y cube:

– Ahora sí, ahora no, ahora sí, ahora no, ¡ahora sí!

– Pepe, get out of the automotive for a second and inform me if the suitable blinker works.

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Pepe will get out, seems to be, and says:

– Now sure, now no, now sure, now no, now sure!

Easy however humorous joke, it doesn’t want further assist to know it!

18. A Sinner’s Prayer

A: – Padre, ¿qué puedo hacer por mis pecados?

B: – Ora, hijo mío, ora.

A: – Las as soon as y media, padre.

“A: Father, what can I do for my sins? B: Pray, my son, pray. A: Half-past eleven, father.”

“Ora” can imply “pray” or “hour.” The son misinterprets it because the time, including humor to the spiritual context.

19. Ballena va llena

– ¿Cuántos peces caben en una ballena?

– Ninguno, ¡porque va llena!

– What number of fish slot in a whale?

– None, as a result of it’s full

That is one other phrase sport the place “Ballena” (whale in Spanish) sounds just about like “Va llena” (goes full).