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All Infinite Craft recipes and combos

Infinite Craft is a logic-based crafting game that challenges you to create as many things as you can with basic ingredients, from simple elements to complicated structures, ideas, and concepts. You can make almost anything in this game. Find below our list of all Infinite Craft recipes and combos.


    Every Infinite Craft Neal Fun recipe and crafting combination

    Infinite Craft Internet recipe guide
    Screenshot by Dot Esports

    As a note, this list is still a work in progress and likely will be for some time. Several items can be made in multiple ways. Additionally, the number of recipes grows with updates, so having all Infinite Craft recipes is a never-ending chase.

    With that said, here are all the Infinite Craft recipes we are currently aware of, sorted alphabetically.

    FirefighterRecipe First ingredient Second ingredient
    Abominable Snowman Water Yeti
    Adam Mud Venus
    Africa Continent Swamp
    Air Conditioner Cold Engine
    Aircraft Carrier Battleship Battleship
    Airship Steampunk Pirate Wind
    Alchemist Philosopher Fire
    Alfred Batman Wisdom
    Alien Lava Lamp Lunar
    Allergy Pollen Surf
    Aloha Hawaii Leaf
    Alpha Wolf Wolf Pack
    Amazon Jungle River
    Amber Cologne Fossil
    America Rainbow Continent
    Ammonite Fossil Roll
    Android Software Planet
    Angel Incense Prayer
    Animal Earth Zoo
    Animal Kingdom Zoo Disney
    Anime Japan America
    Anniversary Birthday Marriage
    Antarctica Continent Ice
    Antique Vintage Time
    Ape Monkey Monkey
    Apocalypse God Nuke
    Apollo Flag Moon
    Apple Fruit Adam
    Apple Juice Apple Rain
    Apple Pie Fruit Tree America
    Area Number Land
    Argentina Country Messi
    Ariel Whale Vase
    Army People Gun
    Arnold Schwarzenegger Terminator Weed
    Arsonist Stalker Fire
    Art Drawing Mountain
    Artificial Intelligence Technology Art
    Asia Ash Continent
    Ash Fire Tree
    Assassin King Gun
    Atheism Sadness Religion
    Atheist Atheism Human
    Atlantis Island Ocean
    Atlas Titan Earth
    Australia Continent Surf
    Avalanche Wind Mountain
    Baby Family Human
    Baby Dinosaur Dinosaur Egg
    Baby Lovebird Lovebird Lovebird
    Baby Polar Bear Polar Bear Polar Bear
    Bacon Pig Fire
    Baconator Volcano Bacon
    Baconcorn Bacon Unicorn
    Baconasaurus Baconcorn T-Rex
    Baconasaurus Rex Baconasaurus Baconasaurus
    Bacon Zeus Baconasaurus Zeus
    Balloon Wind Wine
    Banana Boat Banana Ship
    Banana Split Banana Banana
    Bankrupt Titanic Money
    Bar Drunk Money
    Barackasaurus Dinosaur Obama
    Barbecue Fire Pork
    Bat Black Vampire
    Batman Bat Bat
    Battle War War
    Battleship Tank Ship
    Bear Cubs Cubs
    Beard Hair Hair
    Beauty and the Beast Beauty King Kong
    Beehive Honeycomb Honeycomb
    Bellini Peach Rum
    Berserker Viking Monster
    Best Friend Friend Friend
    Big Bang Time Universe
    Bigfoot Golem Loch Ness Monster
    Bionic Bud Cyborg Weed
    Bird Kite Flying
    Birthday Cake Cake Cake
    Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Crown
    Black Hole Galaxy Galaxy
    Blackbear Pirate Ship Time Travel
    Blizzard Snow Wind
    Boat Water Tractor
    Bog Swamp Swamp
    Bomb Explosion Energy
    Bonsai Japan Tree
    Book Paper Paper
    Bookshelf Book Book
    Bottle Wine Future
    Boulder Stone Stone
    Bouquet Garden Flower
    Box Pandora Beauty
    Bowser Mario Napoleon Complex
    Bowser Jr. Bowser Baby
    Brazil South America Continent
    Bread Wheat Food
    Breadstick Bread Star
    Breakfast Egg Bacon
    Bribe Coin Sweet Talk
    Brick Clay Clay
    Bride Wedding Beauty
    Bro Cowboy Best Friend
    Broken Heart Heart Heartbreak
    Brownies Mud Chocolate
    Bruce Wayne Batman Alcohol
    Buddha Tree Wisdom
    Bugs Bunny Mickey Mouse Hare
    Building Construction Construction
    Bullet Glass Train
    Bunker House Nuke
    Burn Fire Letter
    Bush Weed Weed
    Businessman Skyscraper Human
    Burnt Toast Toast Fire
    Butter Toast Oil
    C-3PO Lightsaber Robot
    Cactus Desert Plant
    Cake Butter Egg
    Calendar Sun Year
    Cambodia Country Angkor Wat
    Camelot Camel Dinosaur
    Camouflage Water Chameleon
    Cannon Fire Ship
    Cannonball Fire Cannon
    Cape Verde Africa Atlantic Ocean
    Captain Pirate Pirate Ship
    Captain Hook Pirate Dragon
    Captain Morgan Pirate Pina Colada
    Car Engine Plant
    Carnivorous Plant Venus Flytrap Plant
    Carrot Bugs Bunny Weapon
    Casino Vegas Shark
    Castle House War
    Cat Video YouTube Cat
    Catholic Religion Mario
    Cauldron House Pot
    Cave Bear Earth
    Cemetary Grave Grave
    Centaur Human Horse
    Central Park New York Tree
    Ceramic Pottery Cauldron
    CD Fire Walkman
    Change Obama Hope
    Chaos Universe Entropy
    Cheese Moon Mud
    Cheetah Leopard Leopard
    Chef Egg Omelete
    Chest Pirate Treasure
    Chicken Egg Fire Flower
    Chicken Parm Lemonade Chicken Parmesan Lemonade
    Chicken Parmesan Chicken Cheese
    Child Baby Baby
    Chime Windmill Rings
    Chimera Minotaur Centaur
    Chimpanzee Monkey Peanut Butter
    China Chinese Island
    Chinese Asia Human
    Chocolate Mud Rainforest
    Christmas Tree Star
    Christmas Tree Pine Battery
    Chuck Norris Serial Killer Vomit
    Church God House
    Cider Apple Water
    Cinder Ash Dust
    City Town Town
    Clay Mud Mud
    Clean Dust Weed
    Cleopatra King Arthur Egypt
    Clock Computer Time
    Cloud Wind Steam
    Cloud Trap Cloud Venus Flytrap
    Cocoa Chocolate Soil
    Coconut Palm Tree
    Coconut Tree Coconut Coconut
    Coin Mud Metal
    Cold Fog Sneeze
    Cologne Alcohol Perfume
    Computer System Fire
    Confucius Book Chinese
    Console Video Game
    Construction Brick Crane
    Continent Island Island
    Cooked Animal Fire
    Cookie Animal Oven
    Cookie Monster Dragon Cookie
    Cookie Shake Cookie Milkshake
    Coral Seed Ocean
    Coral Reef Coral Venus Flytrap
    Cosmos Universe Galaxy
    Cough Pencil Sick
    Cough Syrup Cough Alcohol
    Count Vampire Weed
    Counting Number Count
    Countdown Count TV
    Country City Continent
    Cowboy Jetski Tumbleweed
    Crane Swamp Bird
    Crash Plane Fire
    Crocodile Swamp Tank
    Crocodile Hunter Crocodile YouTube
    Crocopig Crocodile Pig
    Crop Field Fire
    Cruise Boat Honeymoon
    Crusade Bible Battle
    Crusader Knight Paladin
    Crying Broken Heart Tearjerker
    Crypt Tomb Grave
    Cryptocurrency Crypt Hacker
    Cryptozoology Loch Ness Monster Bigfoot
    Crystal Mountain Glass
    Crystal Ball Crystal Ball
    Cthulhu Kraken Monster
    Cubs Lion Lioness
    Cuddly Teddy Bear Cheetah
    Cupid Vase Pegasus
    Curse Mummy Pot
    Cursed Coin Cryptocurrency Curse
    Cyborg Computer Android
    Cyclone Planet Tornado
    Dance Party Music
    Dandelion Plant Wind
    Dandelion Patch Dandelion Dandelion
    Darth Vader Light Saber Dragon
    Darwin Monkey Philosopher
    Dead Gun Everything
    Death Life Vampire
    Death Note Death Anime
    Death Star Star Wars Planet
    Defenestration Vomit Window
    Demon Hell Grudge
    Dengue Mosquito Egg
    Denmark Bacon Europe
    Depression Sadness Sadness
    Desert Sand Sand
    Destruction Tornado Tsunami
    Devil Angel Smoke
    Dinosaur Rainbow Fossil
    Disney Magic Park
    Divorce Marriage Love
    DJ Human Music
    Doctor Sickness Wisdom
    Doggie Dog Cookie
    Dominican Republic Dom Republic
    Donkey Kong Oil
    Donkey Kong King Kong Money
    Donkey Kong Country Donkey Kong Mario Bros
    Diddy Kong Donkey Kong Donkey Kong
    Double Katana Katana Katana
    Dowry Wedding Money
    Drawing Pencil Earth
    Dracula Vampire Earth
    Dragon Swamp Fire
    Dragon Ball Goku Asia
    Dragon Ball Z Fight Anime
    Dragon Ball Z Kai Dragon Ball Z Time
    Dragonborn Splitting Pains Dragon
    Dragon Egg Dragon Egg
    Dragonfly Dandelion Dragon
    Drone Plane Obama
    Drunk Love Rum
    DuckFlying Kite Dandelion Patch Lake
    Duckling Duck Water
    Dumbledore Socrates Harry Potter
    Dust Wind Earth
    Dust Bowl Dust Storm Sandstorm
    Dust Storm Sandstorm Sandstorm
    Dust Trap Dust Storm Venus Flytrap
    Dustpan Dust Pot
    Eagle Bird Gold
    Earthquake Planet Tsunami
    Easter Jesus Time
    Eclipse Sun Open
    Eden Garden Lily
    Eevee Stone Pokémon
    Egg Dinosaur Dinosaur
    Egypt Planet Sphinx
    Eiffel Tower Skyscraper Venus
    Elder Dragon Time
    Electric Guitar Lightning Music
    Electricity Windmill Wind
    Elf Santa Gun
    Elon Musk Tesla Tuxedo
    Energy Windmill Fire
    Engine Steam Fire
    Ent Tree King
    Eruption Wind Volcano
    Empire State Building New York House
    Emo Mermaid Goth
    Estonia Baltic Country
    Eternity Time Europe
    Europe Fjord Continent
    Eurovision Japan Europe
    Excalibur Mud Sword
    Eve Adam Venus
    Everest Mountain Range Mosquito
    Everything Bacon Universe
    Evolution Theory Time
    Explosion Fire Energy
    Facebook Social Network
    Fairy Magic Princess
    Fallout Nuke Water
    Family Human Human
    Farm Tractor Earth
    Fashion Flag Dress
    Fertility Magic Soil
    Fibonacci Fart Number
    Field Farm Earth
    Fight Battle War
    Figure Skating Ice Skating Itchy
    Fire Ball Fire Fire Trap
    Finland Eurovision Win
    Fire Bird Phoenix Volcano
    Fire Flower Fireball Plant
    Fire King Fireman King
    Fire Tornado Cyclone Fire
    Fire Trap Fire Venus Flytrap
    Fire Truck Firefighter Firefighter
    Fire Queen Fire King Marriage
    Fireball Fire Fire Trap
    Firebird Phoenix Nuke
    Firefighter Arsonist Mirror
    Fireman Doctor Arsonist
    Fireplace Fire Bush
    Fish Water Ocean
    Fishbowl Water Fish
    Fishing Fish Lake
    Fjord Lake Mountain
    Flag USA Fire
    Flagpole Flag Flag
    Flappy Bird Geometry Dash Wind
    Flappy Flag Flag Flappy Bird
    Flock Bird Bird
    Flower Plant Rain
    Flying Kite Wind
    Flying Bread Toaster Tornado
    Flying Car Jet Engine
    Flying Fish Wind Fish
    Flying Kite Kite Fish Flying Fish
    Flying Horse Wind Pegasus
    Flying Mario Wind Mario
    Flypaper Dust Trap Venus Flytrap
    Fog Water Smoke
    Food Farmer Plant
    Fool Stupid King
    Football Dust Bowl Mud
    Forest Mountain Tree
    Fortune Paper Cookie
    Fossil Plant Stone
    France Napoleon Bonaparte Land
    Frankenstein Swamp Electricity
    FreedomGalaxy America Rainbow
    Fridge Cold Metal
    Friend Like Facebook
    Frog Fish Swamp
    Frog Prince Kermit Cupid
    Frogger Frog Truck
    Frost Dragon Cold Ice Dragon
    Fruit Sun Tree
    Fruit Tree Fruit Fruit
    Fuel Engine Food
    Future Time History
    Gambler Vegas Crocodile
    Game Software Earth
    Gamer Game Computer
    Garage Car House
    Gaming Gamer Game
    Garden Love Earth
    Galaxy Star Star
    Galaxy Map Galaxy Map
    Galleon Harry Potter Coin
    Gatling Gun Minigun Minigun
    Gavel Judge Hammer
    Gay Catholic Church Rainbow
    Geisha Woman Japan
    Genetically Modified Food Food Technology
    Genie Princess Bottle
    Geometry Math Tree
    Geometry Dash Geometry Math
    Geothermal Lava Windmill
    Germany Berlin Dust
    Geysir Stone Steam
    Ghost Grave Human
    Gift Book Wrapper
    Gingerbread House Cookie
    Girlfriend Best Friend Love
    Glass Obsidian Steam
    Glue Flypaper Fuel
    God Universe Eternity
    Godzilla Dinosaur Japan
    Gohan Goku Mountain
    Goku Dragon Ball Z Anime
    Gold Metal Metal
    Goldfish Fire Fishbowl
    Gold Bar Gold Gold
    Gold Ingot Gold Bar Gold Bar
    Golem Swamp Zombie
    Gordan Ramsay Chef YouTube
    Goth Black Passion
    Gotham Batman Castle
    Grave Tomb Love
    Graveyard Cemetary Cemetary
    Greatsword Longsword Longsword
    Grim Reaper Death Death
    Grudge Grumpy Revenge
    Grumpy Sourpuss Snake
    Gun Weapon Destruction
    Hacker Internet Computer
    Hair Rapunzel Tangled
    Hammer Thor Weapon
    Hangover Alcohol Fog
    Hangry Hangover Itchy
    Hangwish Hangover Wish
    Hammer and Sickle Flag Russia
    Hammerhead Shark Pork
    Hamster Morning Mouse
    Hangry Hungover Animal
    Happily Ever After Marriage Garden
    Happiness Bunny Smile
    Hare Rabbit Smile
    Harp Angel Music
    Harry Potter Owl Pegasus
    Harry Potter and the Heat Death of the Universe Harry Potter Heat Death of the Universe
    Hatsune Miku Android J-pop
    Hawaii Island Volcano
    Hawaii Five-O Napoleon Complex Hawaii
    Heart Cupid Cupid
    Heartbreak Death Love
    Hedwig Harry Potter Hamster
    Helicopter Engine Dandelion
    Hell Fire Eden
    Hercules Hydra Zeus
    Hero Zero Jesus
    Hex Curse Curse
    Hexagon Hex Hex
    Hibernation Bear Cave
    Hippocampus Sea Flying Horse
    Hipster New York Cool
    History Relic Time
    Hive Bee Bee
    Hole Black Hole Earth
    Holy Water Water Wine
    Homer Simpson Family
    Honey Bee Star
    Honeycomb Honey Prison
    Honeytrap Venus Flytrap Mead
    Hot Ones YouTube Hot Sauce
    Hot Spring Cold Geyser
    Hourglass Time Tornado
    House Wall Brick
    Hoverboard Engine Skateboard
    Hovercraft Boat Wind
    Human Rebirth Zombie
    Human Adam Eve
    Hummingbird Bird Bee
    Hydra Dragon Monster
    Ice Snow Water
    Ice Cream Popsicle Popsicle
    Icecreamasaurus Ice Cream T-Rex
    Ice Cream Cone Ice Cream Ice Cream
    Ice Dragon Cold Dragon
    Iceberg Titan Water
    Iceland Fjord Volcano
    Igloo Island Ice
    Incense Plant Smoke
    Infinity Zero 8
    Internet Computer Electricity
    Invisible Jet Wind Wonder Womanw
    Invisibility Camouflage Camouflage
    Invisibility Potion Potion Invisibility
    IPod Walkman Music
    Iran Country Caspian Sea
    Ireland Potato Country
    Iron Rust Rust
    Italy Pizza Country
    Island Ocean Earth
    Jack Titanic Ariel
    Jack Frost Jack Igloo
    Jack Sparrow Sunflower Pirate
    Jail Prison Prisoner
    Jail Break Jail Bomb
    Jailbird Bird Prison
    James Bond Jack Tux
    Japan Continent Tea
    J-pop Japan Electric Guitar
    Jedi Star Wars Lightsaber
    Jedi Pig Lightsaber Pig
    Jelly Peanut Butter Park
    Jellyfish Jelly Island
    Jesus Church Son
    Jet Plane Plane
    Jezus Jesus Zeus
    Joy Smile Happiness
    Judge Bribe Coin
    Jungle Rainforest Rainforest
    Justice Judge Sword
    Justice League Batman Superman
    Kaleidoscope Mirror Mirror
    Kamehameha Goku Water
    Kanye West Rapper Church
    Karma Punishment Rat
    Kelp Plant Seaweed
    Kermit Miss Piggy Fight
    Kindle Amazon Computer
    King Palace Stupid
    King Arthur Camelot Graveyard
    King Kong Godzilla Dinosaur
    KitKat Chocolate Japan
    Kite China Wind
    Kite Fish Flying Fish Kite Fish
    Knight Robot Paladin
    Knight Rider Lightsaber Car
    Knowledge Owl Unicorn
    Kraken Sea Serpent Pirate
    Kung Fu Goku Chinese
    Lake Water Water
    Landslide Earth Avalanche
    Laser Lightning Bullet
    Lava Fire Earth
    Lava Lamp Lava Lamp
    Lava Monster Loch Ness Monster Volcano
    Lawyer Human Divorce
    Leaf Wind Tree
    League of Legends Riot Software
    Lebanon Cedar Country
    Lego Star Wars Brick
    Lemon Fruit Fossil
    Lemonade Lemon Lemon
    Lens Fire Glass
    Leopard Lion Tiger
    Leopard Bear Leopard Teddy Bear
    Leprechaun Pot of Gold Warrior
    Lesbian Pride Month Girl
    Letter Mailbox Mail
    Leviathan Crocodile Megalodon
    Library Bookshelf Bookshelf
    Life Venus Steam
    Lighthouse Lake Stone
    Lightning Fire Cloud
    Lightning Bolt Electricity Energy
    Lightsaber Laser Sword
    Like Facebook Meme
    Lily Flower Water
    Link Mario Longsword
    Lion Zebra Fire
    Lioness Lion Love
    Loch Ness Swamp Island
    Loch Ness Monster Swamp Monster
    Longsword Sword Sword
    Lotus Lily Flower
    Love Mermaid Prince
    Lovebird Parrot Cupid
    Luigi Mario Human
    Luffy One Piece Monkey
    Lunar Moon Lily
    Lunch Lady Woman Lunch
    Machine Gun Gun Cannon
    Madden Computer Football
    Mafia New York Family
    Magic Wizard Witch
    Magic Mirror Glass Magic
    Mailbox Postman Postman
    Man Adam Earth
    Manga Book Japan
    Mangrove Tree Swamp
    Mario Donkey Kong Screen
    Mario Bros Super Mario Luigi
    Mario Kart Mario Yoshi
    Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Mario Kart Money
    Marriage Wedding Love
    Mars Planet Chocolate
    Math Tree Number
    Mathematician Human Number
    Mead Water Honey
    Medusa Mirror Stone
    Megalodon Shark North America
    Meme Mold Internet
    Mermaid Donkey Sea
    Messi Soccer Dust
    Metal Rock Oxygen
    Meteor Planet Rock
    Meteorite Meteor Rock
    Metronome Music Clock
    Mexico Desert North America
    Micronesia Country Micro
    Microscope Lens Swamp
    Milk Toilet Cow
    Milky Way Solar System Fjord
    Mine Iron Mountain
    Minigun Machine Gun Gun
    Minnie Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse
    Minotaur Centaur Animal
    Mirage Desert Ocean
    Mirror Glass Obsidian
    Miss Piggy Pig Beauty
    Missile Countdown Drone
    Mist Swamp Wind
    Mistress Woman Mafia
    Mold Virus Rain
    Money Treasure Time
    Monkey Jungle Dust
    Monkey Wrench Monkey Wrench
    Monster Loch Ness Wind
    Monster Truck Tractor Swamp
    Moon Earth Reflection
    Moon Rock Moon Meteorite
    Moonstone Moon Stone
    Morning Hangover Night
    Mosquito Swamp Bee
    Mother-in-law Woman Terror
    Mountain Earth Earth
    Mouse Garden Cheese
    Movie Popcorn Love
    Mrs. Claus Santa Bride
    Mud Steam Earth
    Mud Bowl Dust Bowl Mud
    Muddy Pig Mud Crocopig
    Mudza Mud Pizza
    Mule Donkey Farm
    Multiverse Universe Universe
    Mummy Human Dust
    Music Rock Roll
    Mustache Beard Beard
    Napoleon Europe Time Machine
    Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon Dynamite Star
    Napoleon Complex Napoleon Bonaparte Paradox
    Napoleon Dynamite Big Bang Napoleon
    Narhwal Fish Unicorn
    Naruto Anime Ninja
    Nepal Asia Mount Everest
    Nessie Loch Ness Monster Smoke
    Netflix Cinema YouTube
    Netherlands Windmill Country
    Network Internet System
    New York State of Liberty House
    New Zealand Rugby Country
    Newton Apple Karma
    Night Moon Flower
    Nile River Reef
    Ninja China Warrior
    North America Continent America
    North Korea Nuclear Country
    Norway Fjord Country
    Nuclear TV Nuke
    Nuke Missile Death
    Number Count Count
    Nut Squirrel Sun
    Oasis Desert Water
    Obama Politician Hawaii
    Obsidian Stone Lava
    Ocean Water Lake
    Octave Music Number
    Odin God Divorce
    Odysseus Odyssey Homer
    Odysseus Rex Odysseus T-Rex
    Odyssey Homer Book
    Oedipus Oedipus Rex Tragedy
    Oedipus Rex Odysseus Rex Tragedy
    Oink Pig Mirror
    Olympus Zeus Mountain
    Omega Alpha War
    Omelet Pancake Egg
    One Piece Pirate Anime
    Open Window Perfume
    Oreo Snake Cookie
    Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Mickey Mouse Rabbit
    Oswald the Lucky Rabbit With a Gun Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Weapon
    Otaku Anime Computer
    Oven Fireplace Stone
    Owl Bird Flashlight
    Owlfish Owl Fish
    Paganini Violin YouTube
    Palace House Oasis
    Paladin Palm Spell
    Palm Desert Tree
    Palm Tree Palm Everything
    Pancake Breakfast Cake
    Panda Black Pig
    Pandora Panda Beauty
    Pandapig Panda Pig
    Pangaea Continent Continent
    Paparazzi Stalker Movie
    Paper Tree Wood
    Paradox Multiverse Time Travel
    Park Garden Garden
    Parrot Bird Garden
    Party Best Friend Music
    Passion Love Fire
    Peace Flag Yin Yang
    Peach Mario Princess
    Pegasus Unicorn Wind
    People Land POp
    Pencil Ash Tree
    Penguin Antartica Island
    Perfume Incense Water
    Peru Country Machu Picchu
    Peter Griffin Baconator Quaqmire
    Peter Pan Captain Hook Fire
    Philosopher Squirrel Wisdom
    Philosophy Wisdom Music
    Phoenix Bird Fire
    Phoenix Feather Phoenix Feather
    Phone Newspapwer Number
    Phone Number Girlfriend Number
    Pidgeot Plane Pokemon
    Pi Infinity Number
    Pie Apple America
    Pie Fight Apple Pie Fight
    Pig Rainbow Mud
    Piglet Pig Pig
    Pigpen Mud Pig
    Pikachu Pokémon Anime
    Pikasushi Pikachu Sushi
    Pilot Plane Human
    Pina Colada Alcohol Pineapple
    Pine Smell Forest
    Pineapple Hawaii Plant
    Piranha Goldfish Swamp
    Piranha Plant Flag Venus Flytrap
    Pirate Ship Dragon
    Pitcher of Lemonade Lemonade Lemonade
    Pizza New York Food
    Plane Bird Flying
    Planet Earth Dust
    Plant Water Earth
    Playboy Man Rabbit
    Pluto Napoleon Complex Planet
    Poem Bird Song
    Pokémon Anime Fish
    Politician Bankrupt Businessman
    Pollen Dust Plant
    Polly Parrot Fireman
    Pollywag Tornado Polly
    Pop Fire Balloon
    Popcorn Butter Toast
    Pope Catholic Rich
    Popsicle Jelly Ice
    Pork Pie Pig Pie
    Port Water Village
    Postman Owl Harry Potter
    Pot Vase Vase
    Pot of Gold Rainbow Treasure
    Potion Incense Soup
    Pottery Clay House
    Prayer Incense Smoke
    Prayer Water Prayer Water
    Pregnant Tinkerbell Fertility
    Present Gift Gift
    Pride Lion Lion
    Pride Month Pride Calendar
    Prince Frog Cupid
    Princess Mule Beauty
    Prison Night Sentence
    Prisoner Squirrel Prison
    Prison Break Prison Tsunami
    Prison Cake Cake Jail
    Prometheus Titan Fire
    Psalm Hymn Number
    Psychopath Sicko Love
    Pteranodon Pterodactyl Pterodactyl
    Pterodactyl Bird Dinosaur
    Quagmire Swamp Mud
    Queen Princess Crown
    Quicksand Cloud Trap Mud
    Rabbit Animal Dandelion
    Race Chariot Driver
    Racecar Car Engine
    Radiation Toxic Number
    Radio Microscope Wave
    Radio Tower Radio Radio
    Radio Waves Radio Tower Water
    Rain Cloud Earth
    Rainbow Rain Fire
    Rainbow Bear Rainbow Polar Bear
    Rainforest Rain Forest
    Rally Mud Car
    Rambo Captain Machine Gun
    Rap Rapper Music
    Rapper Human DJ
    Rapunzel Princess Ruin
    Rat Subway City
    Recession Politician Depression
    Reef Coral Coral
    Reflection Mirror Ghost
    Relativity Einstein Theory
    Relic Antique Time
    Retirement Firefighter Time
    Revenge Sandwich Karma
    Rings Dust Saturn
    Riot Rally Fire
    Rising Sun Flag Japan
    Roblox Fortnite Program
    Roll Sushi Seaweed
    Roman Mars Number
    Ronin Samurai Ninja
    Rose Flower Beauty
    Roulette Gambler Casino
    Ruin Rain Sandcastle
    Rum Bottle Pirate
    Rust Car Ash
    Sadness Crying Broken Heart
    Safari Zoo Zoo
    Sage Philosopher Wisdom
    Sail Wind Ship
    Sailor Moon Anime Frankenstein
    Santa Christmas Elder
    Sasuke Ninja Sword
    Saiyan Goku Flower
    Samurai Japan Warrior
    Sand Dust Dust
    Sandbox Desert Software
    Sandcastle Beach Sand
    Sandstorm Desert Storm
    Santa Christmas Cookie
    Sarcophagus Mummy Mummy
    Sashimi Sushi Rain
    Sasquatch Bigfoot Swamp
    Satellite Earth Radio Waves
    Scales Justice Stones
    Science Hourglass Microscope
    Score Game Number
    Scratch Jack Itchy
    Screen Computer Glass
    Seadragon Meteor Seahorse
    Sea Monster Water Monster
    Sea Serpent Water Dragon
    Seaweed Fish Plant
    Sentence Word Word
    Serbia Volleyball Country
    Serial Killer Stalker Psychopath
    Server Computer Computer
    Shadow Fire Darkness
    Shadow Cloak Shadow Cloak
    Shark Surfer Sea
    Shark Tank Shark Oil
    Ship Water Island
    Shrek Happily Ever After Swamp
    Sick Dengue Vacation
    Sickness Divorce Sick
    Sicko Movie Sick
    Silver Bullet Werewolf Gun
    Simpson Family Anime
    Singapore Lion Country
    Siren Mermaid Bacon
    Skateboard Brick Surfer
    Skeeter Mosquito Seaweed
    Skyscraper Empire State Building House
    Slingshot Weapon Stone
    Slushie Jelly Snow
    Smell Perfume Steam
    Smile Sun Mushroom
    Smoke Wind Fire
    Smoker Cigarette Smoke
    Sneeze Allergy Wind
    Sniper Gun Telescope
    Snow Avalanche Steam
    Snowman Rain Yeti
    Soccer Football Football
    Social Network Internet
    Socrates Wisdom Squirrel
    Software System Computer
    Soggy Bread Toaster Water
    Soil Earth Ash
    Solar Sun Fire
    Solar Flare Solar Wind Fire
    Solar Panel Sun Electricity
    Solar System Sun Galaxy
    Solar Wind Solar System Wind
    Song Radio Music
    Sorbet Fruit Ice
    Sourpuss Lemon Owl
    South Africa Cape Town Africa
    South America North America Pangaea
    South Korea Country South
    Spain Sand Europe
    Spell Curse Hex
    Sphinx Sand Kraken
    Splitting Pains Divorce Window
    Square Area Number
    Squid Kraken Water
    Squidward Squid Tourist
    Squirrel Tree Mouse
    Stalker Psychopath Love
    Star Planet Planet
    Star Wars Star Lightsaber
    Statue Stone America
    Statue of Liberty Lighthouse Boulder
    Steam Water Fire
    Steam Engine Steam Scales
    Steam Sphinx Steam Engine Sphinx
    Steampunk Planet Steam
    Steampunk Pirate Ocean Steampunk
    Steampunk Pirate Ship Steam Steampunk Pirate
    Steampunk Plant Steampunk Pirate Plant
    Steampunk Tree Steampunk Plant Smoke
    Steel Iron Iron
    Sticky Note Glue Technology
    Stone Earth Lava
    Stonehenge Steampunk Pirate Ship Stone
    Storm Rain Wind
    Stripes Tiger Love
    Stupid Donkey Cupid
    Subscribe YouTube Heart
    Subway Steam Train
    Sumo Sushi Fight
    Sun Star Fire
    Sunflower Sun Flower
    Sunrise Morning Mountain
    Superman Goku America
    Supernova Planet Robot
    Super Mario Mario Luigi
    Super Mario Bros Super Mario Mario Bros
    Super Mario Bros 2 Super Mario Bros Super Mario Bros
    Super Mario Bros 3 Super Mario Bros Super Mario Bros 2
    Super Mario World Super Mario Bros Super Mario Bros 3
    Super Mario 3D World Super Mario Bros Super Mario World
    Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury Super Mario Bros Super Mario 3D World
    Super Potion Herbs Water
    Super Saiyan Goku Dragon Ball Z
    Surf Steam Wave
    Surfboard Surfer Surfer
    Surfer Tsunami Pilot
    Surfing Surfer Surfboard
    Sushi Mountain Seaweed
    Swag Flag Cool
    Swamp Lake Earth
    Sweden Cool Europe
    Sweet Talk Chocolate Politician
    Sweep Broom Number
    Switzerland Country Mountain
    Sword Blade Blade
    System Planet Solar
    T-1000 Terminator Weapon
    T-Rex Death Dinosaur
    T-Rump T-Rex Trump
    Tangled Shrek Rapunzel
    Tango Dance Number
    Tank Ship Tractor
    Tank Truck Monster Truck Tank
    Tarzan Jungle Book
    Taxi New York Car
    Tea Plant Steam
    Teapot Tea Earth
    Tearjerker Tears Book
    Tears Heartbreak Human
    Tea-zilla Godzilla Tea
    Technology Science Science
    Teddy Bear Love Bear
    Teddy Lion Teddy Bear Lion
    Teleportation Device Technology Magic
    Telescope Moonstone Window
    Tempest Storm Tea
    Terminator Robot Relic
    Terrorist Bomb Freedom
    Tesla Car Electricity
    Tesla Tower Tesla Tesla
    Thailand Asia Beach
    Thanksgiving Turkey Honey
    Theater Movie Popcorn
    Theory Einstein Dust
    Therapist Doctor Devil
    Thor Odin Cosmos
    Thunder Lightning Beauty
    Thunderstorm Thunder Storm
    Tiger Tiger Lily Love
    Tiger Lily Earth Captain Hook
    Time Paradox Time Paradox
    Timebomb Clock Bomb
    Time Machine Wormhole Time Travel
    Time Paradox Black Hole Time Travel
    Time Travel Black Hole Wormhole
    Tinder Love Technology
    Tinkerbell Peter Pan Earth
    Titan Kraken Earth
    Titanic Iceberg Boat
    Toast Breakfast Fire
    Toaster Robot Bread
    Toilet Venus Flytrap Clean
    Tokyo Godzilla Island
    Tomb Mummy Earth
    Tool Earth Monkey Wrench
    Tornado Wind Wind
    Tornadroll Troll Tornado
    Tourist Vacation Statue
    Town Village Village
    Tractor Mud Engine
    Tragedy Sadness Book
    Train Steam Engine
    Transformer Flag Robot
    Transistor Engine Radio
    Treasure Pirate Earth
    Treasure Map Map Pencil
    Tree Earth Plant
    Tree of Knowledge Tree of Life Universe
    Tree of Life Tree Universe
    Treebeard Ent Beard
    Troll Earth Monster
    Truck Box Car
    Trump America Drunk
    Trump Cake Trump Cake
    Tsunami Water Tornado
    Tumbleweed Kelp Dust Storm
    Turkey (bird) Bird Christmas
    Turkey (country) Country Istanbul
    Tutankhamun Mummy Egypt
    TV Screen Screen
    Twilight Vampire Love
    Typhoon Tea Tempest
    Ukraine Country Sunflower
    Underworld Hades Hades
    United Kingdom Europe Tea
    Unicorn Godzilla Rainbow
    Universe Galaxy Black Hole
    USA America Sun
    US Patriot Flag Heart
    Utopia Planet Future
    Vacation Pina Colada Ocean
    Vampire Mirror Bullet
    Vampire Diaries Vampire YouTube
    Vanity Pride Love
    Vantablack Mirror Black
    Vase House Pottery
    Vegas Shark America
    Vegeta Goku Earth
    Venus Planet Fog
    Venus Flytrap Monster Flower
    Vietnam Cannabis War
    Vikings Land Fjord
    Village Family Family
    Vine Glue Plant
    Vintage Time Wine
    Virus Hacker Internet
    Volcano Mountain Earth
    Vomit Burnt Toast Sick
    Wall Trump Party
    Walkman Radio Transistor
    War China Japan
    Warlock Warrior Weapon
    Warrior Amazon War
    Wasabi Sushi Fire
    Wave Water Wind
    Weapon Fire Tool
    Weather Wisdom Storm
    Wedding Wine Castle
    Wedding Ring Iron Marriage
    Weed Hacker Plant
    Were-lion Werewolf Lion
    Were-turkey Werewolf Turkey
    Werewolf Garden Moon
    Wheat Crop Farmer
    White Flag Flag Snow
    Wife Hangry Woman
    Wind Chime Wind Chime
    Wind Farm Windmill Windmill
    Windmill Engine Wind
    Window Glass Glass
    Wind Turbine Wind Farm Wind Farm
    Wine Plant Alcohol
    Wisdom Owl Smoke
    Wish Genie Lamp
    Witch Tree Spell
    Witch Hut Witch Witch
    Wizard Paladin Witch
    Wizard Tower Wizard Wizard
    Wolf Animal Forest
    Wolf Pack Wolf Wolf
    Woman Man Love
    Wonder Woman Amazon Island
    Wood Tree Forest
    Word Letter Letter
    Workshop Tool Building
    Wormhole Black Hole Black Home
    Wrapper Chocolate Paper
    Wreck Car Nuke
    Yeti Blizzard Monster
    Yggdrasil Tree of Life Titan
    Yin Yang Phoenix Dragon
    Yoda Star Wars Chocolate
    Yokozuna Sumo Samurai
    Yoshi Mario Dinosaur
    Yoshi Egg Yoshi Yoshi
    YouTube Geysir Internet
    YouTuber YouTube Baby
    Zambia Africa Victoria Falls
    Zebra Stripes Stripes
    Zelda Gold Link
    Zen Garden Yin Yang Garden
    Zero Number Fire
    Zeus Titan Wind
    Zombie Human Explosion
    Zoo Penguin Park
    Zookeeper Zoo Star
    1 Number Jesus
    2 1 1
    3 2 1
    4 Number Ash
    5 Number 4
    6 Fire 5
    7 Kanye West Number
    8 Number Mountain
    9 High Five 4
    10 Number Monster

    Not seeing a particular recipe? Start experimenting and see if you can discover it before we do!

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    How to craft and combine items in Infinite

    In a new game of Infinite Craft, you start with just Water, Fire, Wind, and Earth available, and you combine these items simply by clicking and dragging them on top of each other in the play space. You can also drag two of the same items together to create something new, like combining Tree with Tree to make a Forest.

    A screenshot from Infinite Craft showing how to make a Rainbow by combining water, fire, steam, and clouds in a certain order.
    The basics of crafting and how to make a Rainbow in Infinite Craft. Screenshot by Dot Esports

    The game is constantly rising in popularity, with each wave of new players discovering more and more recipes. Considering the game is basically “infinite,” it may well be impossible to find every single recipe. Still, if there’s something you specifically are trying to craft, check out our list of recipes in Infinite Craft above.